Online Flashcards System "F-anki"
What is this site
This site helps your memorizing using flashcards methods.
Try Flashcards without log-on (sample mode)
Step 1. Log on to this site with your user ID and password (user ID & password are unchangable)
Step 2. Make your own flashcards by yourself, or search for flashcards made by others and opened to
Step 3. Begin your memorizing!
(1) First, a question is displayed and then, you can confirm that you can answer the question or not. Click "Display the answer"
(2) If you know the correct answer, click "OK". If not, click "NO"
* The progress level of the questions which you clicked "OK" get an increase. In contrast, the progress level which clicked "NO" turns down.
* The question which has low progress level is on the test frequently. On the contrary; the question which has high progress level is not on the test frequently.
* There are three mode. The memorizing of each question finishes after 6 steps of correct answer in all mode.
* You can pick up and use the flashcards which other people made and opened publicly.
* You can open your flashcards to other people
The effective way to memorizing is making a flashcards by yourself. Making it by yourself is good to your memorizing. Moreover adding questions to your flashcards step by step while you try the flashcard is effective way.
Progress levels get an increase if you answer the question correctly after the following time passes.
Reference data: difference in each mode
Progress level(0%-----100%):
Complete memorizemode(Finish if you answer the question correctly after 1 month absense)
10 min-1 hour-1 day-3 days-1 week-3 weeks-FINISH
Memorize for end-of-term exammode(Finish if you answer the question correctly after 3 days absense)
10 min-30 min-1 hour-3 hours-1 day-3 days-FINISH
Memorize as overnight crammingmode(Finish if you answer the question correctly after 3 hours absense)
Working status of system:16 Questions/day
Total users:325
Total Flashcards:643
F-anki System version 2.48